We are helping provide Interpretation Services


GDMF’s philosophy is to support Islamic organizations to organize its Friday sermons to include Deaf Muslims by hiring interpreters.
GDM also works with Islamic conference and convention organizers by encouraging them to hire Sign language Interpreters and when available GDMF uses its volunteer base to raise awareness of its work by staffing a booth that displays its work.

GDMF further provides Islamic classes for Deaf Muslims; which is one the most important of GDMF’s programs. Currently, Imams deliver the classes with the support of ASL interpreters who interpret the information in sign language.

Using online videos and other electronic media as a tool to communicate to a broad audience is considered as a highly effective tool of communication for a community that is geographically diverse. GDMF therefore works in partnership with other organizations to translate Islamic materials into sign language so that is can be accessed by Deaf Muslims.

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